The Practical Bushcraft Survival Guide: How to Find Food, Water, Shelter & Fire in the Wilderness and Survive, Paperback/Robbie J. Jones
The Practical Bushcraft Survival Guide How to Find Food, Water, Shelter & Fire In The Wilderness and Survive Survival situations often don't start off as such; like a day hike or a fishing trip. It is only when things go wrong that you are suddenly faced with life and death survival situation. Therefore, you want to plan for the unexpected. Before you set off into the woods, take the time to go through all contingencies. Disasters often don't come with advance notice, nor does it send you any early warning signs. So learning how to survive in the wilderness can truly save you and your family's life. After started hiking, backpacking and camping out for many years in 17 different countries, I have mastered the art of survival in the woods. Because I have done it for so long, and I will tell you, it was a 'learn as I go' process for me. But for you, it may not be that easy. Why may you ask? What if there is a severe natural or man-made disaster happens suddenly, what if a war breaks out? Would you be ready?I have been teaching hiking, camping, and backpacking for many years throughout many countries, but only within the last three years, a group of people in Columbia asked me to teach them survival tactics in the woods. That question opened my mind and eyes wide open; I knew why they had asked me to teach them, but what if similar civil and or political unrest or war breaks out in our country, how many of us would be ready? More importantly how many of us would actually survive?I believe every one of us needs to know at least the basics of wilderness survival like what bushcraft skills you need, what bushcraft gears and supplies you will require along with how to navigate yourself in the wilderness. This way if you ever need it, you will have the knowledge. Along with the knowledge, let's make a survival pack ready just in case. In that pack, we can put a few necessary gears, and few "must have."s. Once you do these two things (first gather the basic knowledge of surviva