One God & One Lord, 5th Edition, Hardcover/John a. Lynn
Do you want to know who Jesus Christ really is? Was he a man, or God, or both? Can you really relate to him and be like him? Knowing who the Bible says Jesus is, what he did for you, and what he wants to do for you now will both delight and encourage you. Read on for more detail or buy the book for a life-changing read. "Who do you say that I am?" Jesus of Nazareth posed this question to his followers nearly two thousand years ago, and it still hangs in the air, demanding an eventual answer from every person who has lived since that time. Indeed, the question of the identity of Jesus Christ is the most important theological issue of all human history, because he claimed to be the human Son of the one true God. ONE GOD & ONE LORD carefully re-examines the biblical evidence in light of modern textual research and a thorough survey of scholarly opinion. It argues that the biblically accurate answer to the question of his identity is provided by Peter, John, Mary, Paul, and other first-century believers who unanimously proclaimed him to be "the Christ, the Son of the living God." Building an impressive and compelling case for the unity of the biblical testimony concerning the true humanity of Jesus, "the last Adam," the book reveals the profound significance of the two aspects of his coming: suffering and glory. They seek a view of Christ that allows for a total appreciation of his steadfast obedience to God in the face of temptation, suffering, and even a humiliating death. Vindicated by his resurrection, he entered into glory and now sits in a position of functional equality with God, analogous to the relationship of Joseph and Pharaoh in the Book of Genesis. ONE GOD & ONE LORD shows how the traditional view of Jesus Christ actually diminishes the magnitude of his heroism on our behalf by attributing to him "intrinsic deity" that essentially eliminates the possibility of either authentic temptation or failure. Because the Gospel of John is often isolated and magnified