A Teacher of the Church: Theology, Formation, and Practice for the Ministry of Teaching/Russ Moulds
Description This book will deepen your regard for the church's task of didache, the act of teaching Christians. The chapters explore what the writers believe are several key biblical texts and themes for teaching, select doctrines of the church that inform teaching as a ministry, and features of teaching in the Lutheran tradition and its current practice. We authors address these matters with deep commitment to our shared Lutheran tradition, yet also with profound respect for what the Holy Spirit has done across the centuries in other orthodox traditions of the Great Church. Welcome to our conversation, a conversation the church has shared--though not without dispute--for centuries (from Chapter 1). A team of seven authors bring together in this book insights and approaches to the task of all who teach in the service of the Christian church. The authors trace the calling to Christian teaching from its Biblical roots and explore real-life situations in the lives of teachers with wisdom and sensitivity. Drawing on Scripture and using the fundamental theological tools of the Lutheran tradition, these master teachers bring readers with them into the middle of the work and the joy of conveying the faith through teaching. The clearly written essays make the book accessible to all readers with anecdotes and analyses that clarify what it means to be a teacher in the Lord's service. Although it is written out of the Lutheran experience of teaching, the book's insights will aid all Christian teachers. Robert Kolb Mission Professor of Systematic Theology Director of the Institute for Mission Studies Concordia Seminary This thoughtful biblically and theologically grounded book will be edifying to many readers. It locates the central challenge of Christian education not in technique or educational theory, as important as they might be, but in the spiritual and theological formation of the Christian teacher. At the same time, it pays serious attention to the worldly context in whi