Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express: The Multipurpose Learning and Development Board with Built-In Leds, Sensors, and Acceleromet, Paperback/Mike Barela
Description From Adafruit Industries, a leader in products to Makers, designers, students young and old, comes the Circuit Playground Express. Connect it to your PC, Mac or Linux computer, and you can be programming interactive projects in minutes. You have a choice of programming environments to choose from: Python, the Microsoft Make Code graphical building block environment, C/C++ via the Arduino development environment and Java Script. Whether you are learning interactive programming, have an Internet of Things project in mind, or are looking to design on-the-go wearable electronics, the versatile Circuit Playground Express is the device to start with. In Getting Started with the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, you'll learn how to: Get up and running quickly with programmable boards Understand the basics of coding in multiple programming languages Use the built-in sensors for a variety of projects Make colorful interactive displays Design programs for the Internet of Things (Io T) About the Author Engineer, Maker, and innovator Mike Barela is a Senior Foreign Service Officer with the US Department of State. A graduate of both Whitman College and the California Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering, he has worked at Hewlett-Packard, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Boeing. He has traveled the world, living in a number of countries providing security to American Embassies. An avid electronics enthusiast, he has worked on computers since the introduction of the PC. He rekindled his electronics and microcontroller interests, authoring a number of popular articles on using Arduino-compatible systems. This includes collaboration with Adafruit Industries on their popular Trinket microcontroller.