Indeterminate Equation: Math for Gifted Students, Paperback/Xing Zhou
Welcome to the Math All Star series These books are for middle school and high school students who are motivated to participate in math competitions such as Math Counts, AMC, and AIME. Their coaches may also find these books useful. The website, http: //www. mathallstar. org, provides extra practice problems and serves as a highly recommended supplemental learning resource. Indeterminate Equation Indeterminate equations is a popular subject in math competitions at all levels, from AMC 8 to IMO. For example, in 2015 alone, both IMO and USAMO have an indeterminate equation problem out of 6 in total. Meanwhile, AIME and AMC12/10/8 also have various related questions. Despite its popularity, how to solve indeterminate equations is rarely discussed in classrooms. As a result, many students are lack of necessary knowledge and skills to tackle such problems. This book is to discuss various types of indeterminate equations and corresponding solving techniques. Upon completing this book, readers should be able to recognize and solve these indeterminate equations comfortably. Table of contents and pre-assessment are both available at the website www. mathallstar. com.