Mirrors and Mazes: A Guide Through the Climate Debate, Paperback/Dr Howard Thomas Brady
Contributor(s):Author: Dr Howard Thomas Brady Acclaimed by White House National Security Council Senior Advisor, William Happer, here is a book on climate written for people from all walks of life, not just science boffins. The reader is invited to enter the climate debate, likened to a twisting maze or hall of mirrors, with dead-ends, illusions, traps - that are the lies, misinformation, over-simplifications and false prophecies on both sides. The book was written by an award-winning scientist, who went on 4 expeditions to Antarctica with the United States Office of Polar Programs. Very soon, the reader learns that the debate is not just simply about carbon dioxide, which many would have us think... A clever book that poses questions and will challenge your thinking about the climate debate. For more information, visit www. mirrorsandmazes. com. au ---- "Mirrors and Mazes is written for intelligent laymen who like to think for themselves. The book reviews all of the issues that touch on the current climate debate: the nature of greenhouse gases; clouds; the sun; sea level; extreme weather; polar ice; etc. I am especially fond of Mirrors and Mazes. It would be an excellent addition to the personal library of anyone who wants to understand climate facts, stripped of propaganda and emotion." William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Emeritus Princeton University "Mirrors and Mazes is a beacon of light to see through the cloudy attempts to demonize CO2 as the satanic gas of our times. It is a must read and welcome contribution to the educational aspect of this hot scientific debate." Dr Willie Soon Senior Researcher, Solar and Stellar Physics Division Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics For more information, visit www. mirrorsandmazes. com. au