Boundaries & Emotional Development: Boost Self-Esteem & Assertiveness for Healthier Relationships with Inner Child Healing, Paperback/Dr Sebastian Goff
IMPROVE ALL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Do you tend to struggle in personal or professional relationships? Do you find it difficult preventing others from walking all over you? Or do you simply feel that people don't treat you with enough respect? If so, then it is likely that you have trouble establishing functional boundaries with the people in your life. Healthy boundaries allow us to enjoy relationships and connect with others in a harmonius way. They also serve to protect us and let other people know how we want to be treated. Unfortunately, many of us do not learn about setting boundaries and how to be assertive during childhood. This is often due to a dysfunctional upbringing which leaves wounds upon our inner child. This book will inform the reader the basis of boundary setting, through visiting their past, healing it and finally moving beyond. This will be achieved by demonstrating how to develop emotionally by improving self-esteem, which is a necessity of a healthy personality. With the information presented you will be able to begin setting healthier boundaries in all areas of life including family, work and intimate relationships. You will learn exactly how to - Develop functional boundaries Dealing with difficult people Boost Self Esteem Heal your past Inner Child healing Emotional healing Assertiveness Improved relationships Develop emotionally Once you learn these vital life skills, your world begins to open up and your connection to others becomes more authentic. If you want more from life and would love to find more fulfillment in your relationships, pick up a copy today to find out exactly how.