Move Forward with Dyslexia!: Dismiss the Label, Dissolve Fear of Failure, Discover Your Intelligence, Deserve Success., Paperback/Sjan Verhoeven
Description This is a self-help book for dyslexic (young) adults, but it is also beneficial for parents of dyslexic children and professionals who counsel dyslexics. "Move forward with dyslexia" has been written for and about adults with dyslexia. The authors take a stand against the belief that dyslexia is a disorder. Dyslexia is largely due to a different way of thinking, which is called conceptual thinking in this book. It is that way of thinking that forms the basis for being successful and developing your own way of working in your studies or at work. With your own way of working it is possible to read faster, write better, communicate clearer and build bridges between conceptual thinkers and linear thinkers. That dyslexics have a big problem with language is often all too obvious. Language is a predominant given in our society and determines almost all of our interactions with each other. If someone is not so good at automating language, this frequently results in uncertainty and tension. That is exactly why, when dyslexics learn to read and write, they develop fear of failure in the form of performance drive or procrastination at a rather young age. The book gives the reader an understanding of what dyslexia is, what causes fear of failure and how these two phenomena go hand in hand. When the fear of failure is reduced, dyslexics also have less problems with their dyslexia. By perceiving dyslexia differently, dyslexics will be able to better accept their dyslexia and build a positive self-image. A positive self-image provides space and freedom in life and is a good foundation for having success. The book provides many stories and examples from dyslexics themselves to illustrate the authors findings, the latest scientific insights and all kind of alternative strategies to work and live more efficiently. Review from American Scientist Dr. Matthew H. Schneps, MIT Compassionate Tech Lab: I was very impressed by this work I thought you did an excellent job assembli