Funeral Guest Book "In Loving Memory" Memorial Service Guest Book, Condolence Book, Remembrance Book for Funerals or Wake: HARDCOVER. A lasting keepsa, Hardcover/Angelis Publications
Description HARD COVER, gloss finish 8. 5" x 8. 5" (216mm x 216 mm) 100 pages total - space for 282 guests entries A few Introduction pages (see info below) Each page is headed "Name & Address" & "Thoughts & Memories" with enough space for three guests per page, with several lines for guests to write their memories. Introduction pages: A title page: In Loving Memory of ... with a few lines to enter your loved one's name and any other details. 2 blank pages to personalize or add photos. A quote: "Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity." by Kahlil Gibran. 94 lightly lined pages, each page headed: "Name & Address" & "Thoughts & Memories" offering several lines for your guests to share memories of your loved one. Beautiful keepsake & book of condolence for a memorial service or funeral or wake. A treasured and lasting memory for the family and future generations. It could be the perfect Funeral Gift if the family hasn't thought to buy one...