The Turkish Language Explained for English Speakers: A Treatise on the Turkish Language and Its Grammar, Paperback/John Guise
This Treatise on the Turkish Language and its Grammar explains and answers some of the difficulties that the learner of Turkish may encounter along their way. This book focuses on understanding Turkish grammar and logic. Those who are interested in the whys and wherefores of Turkish will find amongst these pages the key to their particular problem of Turkish grammar and syntax. This book covers the basics of Turkish and further expands knowledge and understanding of Turkish by using many examples with explanations. It does not contain any practice exercises or sound files as many of these type of basic Turkish grammar lessons can be found in other text books or on the world wide web. It is a book that will be used over the whole of the learning process from basic beginner through to intermediate and advanced stages of learning. The contents of the 45 chapters range over: Turkish Basic Grammar: Alphabet, Vowel Harmony, Agglutination, Consonant Mutation, Lack of Gender. Intermediate: Nouns and Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Tenses, Possessive Relationship and Possession. Advanced: Verb Moods, Participles, Clauses, Spatials and Spatial Relationships, Word Formation in Turkish Conversational Items: Time, Seasons, Numbers, Colors, Saying "Thank you," About "buyurun," Expressing need, Daily Interjections, Modes of Address, Turkish Sign Language, How to say "too much, too many," Daily Talk. Glossaries: List of Daily Locutions, Daily Word List, Irregular Tense List, Turkish Single Syllable Verb List, Intensified Adjectives List. About the Author: I first went to Turkey in the late seventies to work a Professional Chartered Engineer in the industrial vehicle sector. I worked in a large factory in the Mersinli area of Izmir, and later in a factory in Manisa. I could not speak Turkish at that time and most of the Turkish employees could not speak English to any great extent. So I made an effort to learn their language. Eventually my contract ended but as I had found the languag