The Forty Servants - Little Black Book, Paperback/Tommie Kelly
Description The Forty Servants is both a divination oracle deck and a powerful collection of Chaos Magick servitors that give easy access to potent archetypal energies that can be used to acquire your wishes and desires. The Little Black Book is a concise version of "The Grimoire of the Forty Servants" containing all relevant information you need to begin working with the system. It contains all the intro text, the full Servant descriptions and sigils, but leaves out the expensive to print full colour images, and the end reference tables. (Please note that if you already own THE GRIMOIRE OF THE FORTY SERVANTS, you do not need this book, there is no new text within) About the Author Tommie Kelly is an Irish Artist and Writer, but not always in that order. He used to describe himself as the World's Only Consulting Occultist, but people didn't get the reference and thought he was being serious, so he doesn't do that now. At gun point he would describe himself as a Chaos Magician, but he isn't overly fond of labels as their function seems to be mostly about limiting things or putting them in boxes. He has had a lifelong interest in all things Occult and in Spirituality, and his only actual qualifications are in Holistic Health Studies, being qualified in Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Holistic Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reiki, but he doesn't practice any of it these days other than personal use Aromatherapy which he finds extremely pleasant and helpful. You can keep up to date with him at http: //www. Adventures In Woo Woo. com which is home to his art, writing, podcast, videos and art store.