There's a Creature in My Belly!, Paperback/Jared R. Green
Description Foolish are the adults that quiet the vibrant and imaginative minds of children with irrelevant things like reality. This book is not for those parents, but the children in their care are possibly in the most dire need for its message. This story will make adults and children excited about reading together. This book will teach sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, godchildren, cousins and grandchildren that everything they need is already inside of them. The creature in their belly always reminds them they are destined for something greater. This incredible book details a father explaining the "creature" inside of his son may feel scary, but can actually be harnessed to reach his greatest aspirations. The father does not silence his child's imagination; instead, he affirms his feelings and strengthens his resolve About the author Jared R. Green is an up and coming, self published, children's book author. Jared is a 24 year old visionary and entrepreneur. Jared was born and raised in the lower ninth ward, located in New Orleans, Louisiana where he has volunteered and helped organize the community since the age of 5 years old. Jared is a dreamer. He envisions a city that creates innovative change, and is the pioneer of such things for cities all around the country. His future is bright and his hopes for the future of young black peoples all around the city is even brighter.