The Essential Ericksonian Hypnosis Primer: How-To Master Hypnotic Persuasion, and Covert, Indirect, Conversational Hypnosis; So You Can Change Minds a, Paperback/Bryan Westra
This book is not meant to be an exhaustive investigation of all things Milton Erickson. Instead, this book will help serve as a practical book on specifically Ericksonian Hypnosis, or what has become commonly referred to as, Conversational Hypnosis. This is a very 'indirect' and 'covert' means of hypnotizing someone through simply having an ordinary conversation with them. The objective of this book is to first give you a model from which to work off of so you can hypnotize people with your conversations. Then we explore hypnotic language patterns from an Ericksonian approach. This means we will be investigating together the Milton Model from a new perspective. You'll get some examples and new insights into the Milton Model. This will be especially helpful to individuals who have tried to study the model, only to find they quickly forget it, or cannot apply it usefully in a conversational induction. Next, after this, we'll explore hypnotic storytelling or what I like to call 'hypnotic story-selling. It is no real secret that Milton Erickson used stories to help his therapy patients. He could tell a story and hypnotize someone through the psychological principle of Narrative Transportation Theory. This is a theory where someone become transported into the story, leaving behind consciously their immediate reality. Stories are powerful contraptions that let us bypass our hypnotic subject's critical thinking faculty, so we can talk to their limbic brain or hypnotic-brain so we can influence and persuade a person to take an action we want them to do. This is where hypnosis becomes a very powerful tool for helping people overcome bad habits, alleviate pain, affect mindset, and so much more. In this book we'll especially be looking at numerous sales contexts, while also a minimal amount of hypno-psychotherapeutic contexts. Grab your copy today