Time and the Multiverse: Selected Writings on Novel Physical Theories, Paperback/Julian Von Abele
Description Quantum mechanics is the foundation of the universe. At the bedrock of quantum mechanics lies mathematics--the path-integral formulation. In this text, a variety of novel theories pertaining to quantum mechanics, and the mathematical foundations of theoretical physics, are surveyed. After the publication of his previous book, "Physics Reforged," concerning his multiverse theory, Julian von Abele has returned to expand on his multiverse hypothesis, and present his novel theory of time. Is time multidimensional? Is reality plural, or whole? How did the universe begin, and how will it end? Do alternate realities exist? All these questions, and more, are answered in this remarkable anthology of academic papers on quantum theory, cosmology, and novel theories of time. Intended primarily for physicists and mathematicians, this book offers an intriguing gateway into some of the most fundamental problems of physics. About the Author Julian von Abele began developing new theories of physics in the eighth grade. A student in high school, he published a book describing his multiverse hypothesis, "Physics Reforged," some years ago. Since then, he has continued his work, developing a new model of time and cosmology. More recently, he has assembled the academic papers he's written into a new book, "Time and the Multiverse." He plans to study theoretical physics at University where he will continue his studies.