Health, Happiness, and Hope: Some Suggestions for Enhancing Your Well-Being/Will Bronson Ma Mts Dmin
Description Have you ever wondered about what you can do to improve your chances of aging well? Will Bronson still plays ice hockey, rides horses, is an avid golfer, tennis player, three weapon fencer, and snow skier at age 79. He has some ideas for you. Have you ever wondered what you can do to find real joy in your life? Bronson surveys the latest findings of "positive psychology" so you can skip a lot of self-help books and get right to the core of happiness research. Do you sometimes feel that life is hopeless and wonder what it is all about? Bronson points you to ideas that have stood the test of time and given comfort to millions through the centuries. This brief read brings it all together in an entertaining and succinct way that will improve your health, point you toward real happiness, and provide hope to get you through those dark days and nights. About the Author - Will Bronson is a retired airline pilot. Born in Chicago in 1939, he attended Carleton College, graduated from Whitworth College, then entered the US Navy, where he was trained as a pilot. During his twenty-five years with the airlines, he earned an MA in Education from Suffolk University and an MTS from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He also ran for US Congress three times in Massachusetts and once in Georgia as a Republican. Since retirement, he earned a DMin from the Episcopal Divinity School in 2008 and ran for US Congress twice in Florida as a Democrat in 2012 and 2014. He is currently working on a project to help reform public schools.