Offline Journal: An Illustrated Guide for a More Connected, Creative Life/Jaya Nicely
Description How would you spend a day offline? Nowadays, being offline is a state of mind. It is a choice we can make each day--an opportunity to be present and awake. Artist Jaya Nicely's Offline Journal helps you experience the world around you. Designed as a journey through the day, The Offline Journal is beautifully illustrated in hand-drawn detail. Brimming with inspiration, activities, prompts, and pages for you to use however you like, it's an opportunity to reconnect and appreciate the beauty around us. The Offline Journal is a creative workbook for anyone looking to express themselves phone-free, providing inspiration for a less Internet-y life and connecting, with: Friends Community Nature Creativity Yourself Divided into three parts - morning, afternoon, and night - The Offline Journal accompanies you throughout the day, focusing on: connecting to yourself and the world more deeply, being productive, and finding rest and renewal. Screen-free. About the Author Jaya Nicely is an illustrator and designer. She is the art director for Unnamed Press and the co-founder of the art and food magazine, Compound Butter. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Art Center College of Design. Her work has appeared in Vulture, The Ringer, Variety, and Huck Magazine. Offline Journal is her first book. She lives in Los Angeles, CA.