Corporate Credit Unleashed: Everything You Better Know about Building Corporate Credit When Your Personal Credit Sucks, Paperback/Kevyn Jerome Nelson
Description This book describes in detail where and how to start building a strong business profile. It takes time and effort to establish business credit, and this book destroys all the myths once and for all. In this book the reader will learn insider information on obtainig corporate credit which can eventually lead to financial freedom. The techniques and insider information that is shared with readers in this book has been used by business tycoons such as Donald Trump and Richard Branson for years. A quick read and a wealth of knowledge unmatched. About the Author As a financial consultant within the entertainment and general business arena, Kevyn has been instrumental in launching and maintaining the day to day operations of several successful business ventures. Kevyn currently serves in the position of CFO/VP of Business Affairs for The CVI Group Ltd (the parent company to Chart Vision Inc and CVI Wealth & Asset Management Group) while also continuing to oversee the firm he founded in 1994 Worldwide Credit and Financial Solutions Inc which specializes in such financial services as Trade Line Enhancements, Paydex Score Enhancements, Corporate Credit, Shelf Corporations, Will/Estate Planning, Credit Privacy Files, Media Development, Marketing/Promotion Strategies, Business Development, Tax Planning, Non Profit and Foundation Development, Offshore Banking Services, and Check Systems Removal. Kevyn's expertise has been recognized nationally allowing him the opportunity to serve as a guest panelist at such events as the How Can I Be Down Conference, Learning Annex Real Estate Wealth Expo, Jack The Rapper Convention, BRE Conference, Impact Convention, Mid- Atlantic Music Conference, Indiana Black Expo, Turning Point Urban Business Summit & Expo, and the Urban Network Power Summit to name a few. Expert Interview Availability: By telephone from Los Angeles PST Expert Interview Booking Contact: Tara Hall Nelson admin @ wwcfsinc. com 323-769-6356 More info about Kevyn Jero