Trading in Sync with Commodities: Introducing Astrology to Your Financial Toolbox, Paperback/Susan Abbott Gidel
Use the power of the cosmos to harness your financial life. Get an edge in trading. Stay ahead of big economic trends that can affect your 401(k). Be prepared for upcoming economic shifts in business. "Trading In Sync With Commodities-Introducing Astrology To Your Technical Toolbox" combines Susan Abbott Gidel's expertise and passion for both the commodity markets and astrology into a book valuable to traders, investors and astrologers. Get a trading edge by anticipating dates for potential market highs and lows. Plan your investment strategy based on long-term economic and market outlook. Add commodity markets to your understanding of financial astrology. See when six major markets might make highs and lows through 2020. Written for those who might be unfamiliar with either commodities or astrology, Susan includes "101" chapters on each topic, as well as an astrological glossary. In addition, she covers how astrology can help you discover which markets you might be most attuned to trading. When Markets Peak and Bottom Susan researched six major commodity futures markets-S&P 500, Gold, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Euro FX and U. S. 10-year T-notes-and their connection to astrological transits, the ever-changing position of planets in the sky. To her delight, she found that each market showed tendencies to make important price highs and price lows when certain planets made certain connections to the horoscope chart cast for when each market began trading. This breakthrough research in the commodity markets required having the exact first-trade time and date. Susan obtained those dates and times with painstaking digging into exchange and news archives that sometimes revealed typos and errors in publicly available government documentation. This is where Susan's 40-year career in the commodity industry served her well and enabled her to spot potential discrepancies in first-trade data in order to find true, accurate information, which is essential to first-class astrological ana