What Is the Father Like?: A Devotional Look at How God Cares for His Children, Paperback/W. Phillip Keller
Come Away to Rest in God's Care Too often we feel trapped in life's hectic pace. Or bewildered by loss and hurt. Or stuck in a dryness and complacency of soul. We are too hurried to sense the one thing we most need ... the love of the heavenly Father that transforms all it touches. How do we experience the tender, challenging, renewing love of God--a love that dares us to come away from the world long enough to know the soul-refreshing touch of Life?What is the Father Like?Phillip Keller, one of the most beloved devotional writers of our time, leads us from the parched ground of daily life into the spiritually green pastures of the Father. He calls us to a place where we can once againhear the gentle, calming, assuring guidance of our Shepherd rise above the confusing noise of earthexperience the safety and protection of the Almightyenjoy His peace, in place of fear, anxiety, and inner turmoilknow the gift of His intimate presence. If you have longed for inner strength ... fullness ... purpose. . .come and meet with the Father, and listen to His heart About the Author: One of the premier devotional writers of our time, the late W. Phillip Keller is the author of more than 40 books including A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Born in Kenya, the author studied in Canada to be an agrologist. He was also a photographer, field naturalist, conservationist, and lay minister.