Cardio Sucks: The Simple Science of Losing Fat Fast...Not Muscle, Paperback/Michael Matthews
Contributor(s):Author: Michael Matthews Forget "losing weight"--you want to lose fat...and if you want to know how to do it as quickly as possible without losing muscle...and without doing hours and hours of grueling cardio every week...then you want to read this book. Here's the deal: If your goal is to get or stay lean and maintain your cardiovascular health, you don't have to "pound the pavement" or grind out long, boring cardio sessions. Ever. That's right...No tedious jogging...No droning away on one of the hamster wheels in the gym...And no sacrificing hours and hours every week just to get a "six pack."You also don't have to subject yourself to restrictive "diets" that feel more like punishment than self-improvement. What if I told you that you could dramatically transform your body eating foods you actually like...every day...7 days per week?What if all you had to do to lose fat and not muscle was follow a handful of flexible dietary guidelines...not starve and deprive yourself?And what if I promised you could forever break free of the anxieties most people associate with "dieting" and make it something you can enjoy as a lifestyle instead?Well, by the end of this book, you'll know exactly what you need to do to get a lot more out of a lot less exercise...and a lot more delicious food...than you ever thought possible. Here's a "sneak peek" of some of the things this book will teach you...The biggest diet lie you've been told (and probably believe) that makes losing fat way harder than it has to be. How the four "tiers" of dieting ultimately determine your results: energy balance, macronutrient balance, food choices, and nutrient timing. Why "clean eating" is overrated and guarantees nothing in the way of losing fat and building muscle...and what you should do instead. How to create flexible dieting plans that allow you to get the body you want eating the foods you love. How much cardio you should do to lose weight and how much is too much and why. 5 simple eating eatin