We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans, Paperback/Human Angels
This is the extended edition of We Are Human Angels - A Crash Course for Angelic Humans, the self-published book that has become a planetary phenomenon. The first edition has been spontaneously translated by readers from all over the world into 14 different languages. Now by popular demand here comes We are Human Angels, We Inspire Change - A Complete Course For Angelic Humans, the book that kicks into overdrive your angelic nature and makes you become a 'graduate' human angel in this world. The book has more than doubled in size, all the contents of the first edition have been put under a magnifying glass. We are Human Angels, We Inspire Change offers you a deep dive into every topic, including in-depth analysis and practical examples. It is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you more tools to change your life forever, and to make the world a better place. If you are a badass truth seeker, you cannot miss this book. This course is divided into two parts. In the first part, you will be guided in finding out about the ego and its repetitive, painful patterns. Knowing how the ego works is the first step to getting rid of it, awakening the Human Angel within you, and finally shining all the light of your Being. You will learn how to: Dare to step outside of your comfort zone Develop compassion Be your own guru The second part of this book helps you to fulfill your mission as a Human Angel. In this section, you will learn how to manage your intense sensitivity as a Human Angel and how to make the best use of it in helping others. You will also learn how to turn the consciousness of the Oneness into action, to fully express it in your life and to spread it in every corner of the world. You will discover how to: Find your sense of purpose Connect with other like-minded people who, like you, are here to help humanity to evolve Live and act for a cause greater than yourself Your healing journey has finally been accomplished. Now you are ready to make a positive difference in th