My Brother Has Autism Mi Hermano Tiene Autismo (English/Spanish), Paperback/Richard Carlson Jr
Description About the Book: My Brother has Autism is a story about Richard, whose younger brother Kevin is autistic. Richard wants to help his brother overcome his fear of insects, but Kevin isn't quite ready The story is based on true life events from the author's life and that of his brother, the illustrator. Acerca del libro: Mi hermano tiene autismo es la historia de Richard, cuyo hermano menor, Kevin, es autista. Richard quiere ayudar a su hermano a superar su miedo de los insectos, pero Kevin no est listo La historia se basa en eventos verdaderos de la vida del autor y la de su hermano, el ilustrador. About the Author About the Author: Richard Carlson Jr. is an author of children's books and coming-of-age romances. He has paranoid schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can learn more about him at www. rich. center. Acerca del autor: Richard Carlson Jr. es un autor de libros infantiles y romances de la llegada a la mayoria de edad. Tiene esquizofrenia paranoide y trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Puede aprender mas sobre el en www. rich. center. About the Illustrator: Kevin Carlson is a talented artist. He has autism, which is a serious brain disorder. Kevin loves art and works at a crafts store that employs mentally handicapped individuals. Acerca del ilustrador: Kevin Carlson es un talentoso artista. Tiene autismo, que es un trastorno cerebral serio. A Kevin le encanta el arte y trabaja en una tienda de artesanias que emplea a personas mentalmente discapacitadas."