The Misquotable C.S. Lewis, Paperback/William O'Flaherty
Description C. S. Lewis wrote many great words, but not everything you see with his name on it is from the famed author of the Narnia books. Seventy-five quotations are presented that have an association in one way or another with a host of names, including: Ryan Seacrest, Anthony Hopkins, Max Lucado, Rick Warren, and Tim Allen Learn the three most common ways Lewis is misrepresented: 1. Falsely Attributed Quotes: Expressions that are NOT by him. 2. Paraphrased: Words that are ALMOST what he said. 3. Out of Context: Material he wrote, but are NOT QUITE what he believed. This book doesn't stop there. Also discover what Lewis actually said that is related to the presented misquotes. Those new to Lewis and the more serious reader of his works will grow in their appreciation of a writer that is not only quotable, but obviously misquotable "In Surprised by Joy Lewis notes how his father, Albert, was fond of telling anecdotes about Sir John Mahaffy, anecdotes which Lewis later (at Oxford) found attached to Benjamin Jowett. This, alas, is the fate of any great figure: to serve as a convenient magnet for stories or quotations that other people want to perpetuate, however inaccurately. William O'Flaherty is to be commended for soberly demagnetizing C. S. Lewis in a well-researched, useful, and timely book." --Michael Ward, University of Oxford, co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to C. S. Lewis "William O'Flaherty's carefully researched book is the perfect antidote for the quickly written student paper based on sources from the internet where anyone can claim anything. The Misquotable C. S. Lewis serves as a reminder that facts really do matter and a commitment to the truth is not simply an option one may choose to have when convenient, but a necessary requirement to all human endeavors." --Devin Brown, Professor of English at Asbury University, author of A Life Observed: A Spiritual Biography of C. S. Lewis "Few authors are as quotable as C. S. Lewis. Nor, as O'Flaherty re