The Three Principles of the Divine Essence, Paperback/Jacob Boehme
Description The Three Principles of the Divine Essence was Boehme's second book and the one he recommended as an introduction to all his writings. The three principles - the fire world, the light world and the outer world - proceed from the Father, Son and Spirit, and are manifest in all things. "Thus now I have written, not from the instruction or knowledge received from men, nor from the learning or reading of books; but I have written out of my own book which was opened in me, being the noble similitude of God, the book of the noble and precious image (understand God's own similitude or likeness) was bestowed upon me to read; and therein I have studied, as a child in the house of its mother, which beholdeth what the father doth, and in his child-like play doth imitate his father; I have no need of any other book. "My book hath only three leaves, the same are the three principles of eternity, wherein I can find all whatsoever Moses and the prophets, Christ and his apostles have taught and spoken; I can find therein the foundation of the world and all mysteries; yet not I, but the spirit of God, doth it according to the measure, as He pleaseth." The Three Principles of the Divine essence is usually published in two volumes. This edition by Kraus House includes the entire text in a single volume, and in very readable 12 point print.