Memoirs of a Master: Short stories from a spiritual Master, Paperback/Linda Hoppe
Memoirs of a Master is a book of short stories told by Adamus Saint-Germain as part of his lectures to audiences around the world. The stories are based on or inspired by actual experiences, and are designed to help you see yourself as both the Master and the student. The student in each memoir is generally a compilation of many people, and the stories take place in contemporary life. The Master can be perceived as Adamus or any other enlightened teacher, but ultimately it is you. The stories are based on some of the more complex teachings of Adamus Saint-Germain. By putting this sacred information into story form, it becomes more personal, more understandable and, perhaps, more entertaining. And, woven into each story, you will find profound insights and many layers of wisdom. Memoirs of a Master is dedicated to the Master and the student within each of us. About the Author: Geoffrey Hoppe: The early spiritual curiosity of a young man was all but forgotten as he served a few years in the US Army as a Public Information Specialist at the NASA Ames Research Center (Mountain View, California), and then stepped into the business world. After finding his way to senior management positions in several advertising agencies, Geoffrey started his own marketing company in Dallas, Texas at the ripe old age of 28. Later on, he co-founded an aviation telecommunications company (provider of Internet services for business jets and commercial airlines, now known as Gogo), serving as Vice President of Sales and Marketing until 2001. In a stroke of ironic prescience, Geoffrey holds three patents for multidimensional telecommunications technologies, as well as numerous trademarks and copyrights. Linda Hoppe: A gifted artist and highly creative by nature, Linda graduated Summa Cum Laude and went on to teach Art Education, even writing a ground-breaking curriculum for Texas' first high school honors Art Education program. Her artistic talents landed her a job as Fashion Merchandise Manage