Depression and the Immature Romance: A Constructive Guide to the Causes, Cures, Types, and Secret Inner Psychology of Depression, Paperback/Roman Gelperin
Description Understand depression in yourself and others: What causes it? What unseen mental processes are raging within it? And what is required to cure or overcome it?As humans, born with no knowledge of our own minds, we possess no inborn instructions for dealing with the most common and life-threatening mental illness: depression. This knowledge can only be discovered or learned, afresh, by each individual. Depression and the Immature Romance is one of the precious few sources where you can learn it. It won't tell you to exercise, eat right, or meditate in the morning. And it won't overload you with dense jargon about the neurochemicals in your brain. But it will teach you to understand the complex mental processes that cause, maintain, and have the power to cure depression-and give you the knowledge you need to repair your own mental processes when they go wrong. This book tackles the classic psychological paradox, first noted by Freud: Why does a loving relationship between two mature adults normally lead, after its breakup, only to regular, healthy sadness; while an ambivalent, love-hate relationship between two adolescents, or those with the mentality of adolescents, more often end in a pathological, self-hating depression? Delving into his own experience of depression, caused by the breakup of his first adolescent relationship, the author decisively answers this question. With unreserved honesty and rigorous detail, he introspectively analyzes the cause, hidden psychology, and surprising cure of his own depression. And by joining his self-analysis with a thorough review of the leading research, as well as collected accounts of other people's depressions, he presents a groundbreaking new understanding of the little-known causes, mental processes, and potential cures of depression in general. This book covers the following: A detailed overview of what's currently known about depression Cases in which depression is an appropriate reaction The different types of depre