Legal Abuse Syndrome: 8 Steps for Avoiding the Traumatic Stress Caused by the Justice System, Paperback/Karin Huffer
"What's wrong with me?" My life and priorities seem irrelevant to the court. Are you ensnared in the judicial system? Fearful, incredulous, isolated, beyond rage...feeling "alienated"? This unique book conjoins law, therapy, and research revealing a subtype of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder called Legal Abuse Syndrome. Legal Abuse Syndrome helps victims overcome psychological devastation caused by prolonged injustice. Through facts, graphics, and heart rendering vignettes readers grasp elements of this psychic injury, recognize its causes, and benefit from the therapeutic steps provided. This book is a self-help tool for cumulative trauma. When systems of care, i. e. the judicial system, cause or exacerbate medical conditions due to extreme stress, the dilemma presents a public health problem as well as a multidisciplinary legal/medical professional challenge. "There is nothing wrong with you." You need a game changer that bolsters your resilience and confidence. Eight self-help steps guide you through the toughest times of your litigation illustrated by gripping cases of human courage and principle against the massive power of the judicial system. The people you meet in this book will encourage you. James' case portrays civil court being skewed to cover up a felony while fraud on the court is recklessly used to hide the facts. The issues become twisted into a dizzying "house of mirrors" with lies taking on a life of their own in the courtroom. When rage is exceeded in the human experience, one either explodes or implodes. Explosion usually results in violations of civility and law complicating the problem. Implosion leads to health consequences and bitterness. Legal Abuse Syndrome guides you toward an alternative that allows the victim to skillfully stay in the fight. Along the way, there are gifts in reviving the spirit of justice, a staple of a civilized society.