Tao Teh King: An Interpretation of Lao Tse's Book of the Way and of Righteousness, Paperback/Lao Tse
Description The Tao Teh King (Tao Te Ching) forms the fundamental core of modern Taoist philosophy and has informed the beliefs and mode of life of the people of China for 2500 years. For all those who seek peace, contentment, harmony and balance in life, the Tao Teh King is an indispensable resource. Lao Tse's words speak directly to the heart with simple, direct and profound wisdom addressing the core principles of the art of living well. The translation and commentary presented here was completed between 1921 and 1923 and serialized in the periodical magazine The Theosophical Quarterly. The society responsible for the periodical was dissolved some fifteen years later, leaving this translation to lay dormant these many years. It is reproduced verbatim, but with an adjustment in formatting-providing the translation itself, in whole, prior to the commentary-the addition of a foreword, and of additional notes. Charles Johnston's article on the Religion of China, reproduced in this volume, demonstrates the depth of his understanding not only of Ancient China and its religious life, but of its place in the larger context of human religious thought. This wider contextual grasp lends itself to a much more expansive commentary upon the Tao Teh King than we commonly find, as Johnston is able to draw many parallels to other world-teachings, some of which the student may be more intimately familiar. About the Author Charles Johnston (1867-1931), was steeped in the wisdom of eastern traditions, having translated the ten Principle (Mukhya) Upanishads of the Vedanta, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Crest-Jewel of Wisdom and other works of Sankaracharya, the Tao Teh King of Lao Tze, along with a running translation/commentary on a series of Buddhist suttas. He also wrote at length on the religious traditions of both east and west, focusing largely on the Vedanta of India and the Christian texts of the New Testament. These writings have been collated posthumousl