Tibetan Mantra Magick: Tap Into the Power of Tibetan Mantras, Paperback/Baal Kadmon
When we think about Tibet, we are often taken back to the stories of the search for Shangri La. We are beguiled by stories of men and women who spend their entire lives in meditation in hopes to achieve liberation from the ties that bind us here on this earth. We are further in awe of those stories of the great mystics who, though Tibetan rituals develop supernatural powers. All these stories have elements of truth in them. Rumors of this nature are often unconfirmed facts as it were. Tibetan Buddhism, is fascinating, it is by far the most mystical and most complex form of Buddhism throughout the spectrum of Buddhist sects. Most in popular culture associate it mostly with the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. However, there is so much more to it, so much in fact that no single volume could ever capture the magic and the wonder of this great tradition. Like most eastern traditions, Tibetan Buddhism has a rich tradition of mantra chanting and magick. Some of the rituals are so elaborate it can often intimidate the mind of those with entrenched western sensibilities. A good way to pierce the mystery is to work with the mantras of this great tradition. In this book, we will perform 7 rituals using Tibetan Mantras. You will learn the mantras for the following: To develop compassion AND confidence To attain material wealth To erase all the negative karma produce by black magick in your life. To gain clarity of mind To gain longevity To gain spiritual as well as earthly wisdom To heal any physical ills you may have.