40 Days of Prayer for My Business: Think Big, Pray Hard and Wait Expectantly, Paperback/Becky A. Davis
Every day for the last five years, I've read a prayer for my business, and I know without a doubt, those prayers are what have helped me grow, sustain and build a successful business. Those prayers gave me strength when things got hard, when I struggled in business and when I doubted myself. I knew that praying for my business was a game changer and I wanted to help other entrepreneurs create a disciplined behavior to pray for 40-days and watch God move in your business. The number 40 shows up often in the Bible; specifically, 126 times. In the New Testament, Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights (Matthew 4: 2). There were 40 days between Jesus' resurrection and ascension (Acts 1: 3). The Bible seems to use 40 to emphasize a time of testing and strengthening, and after the 40 days, there is an emphasis on spiritual truth, a new beginning, transition, change or renewal. It has been said that 40 is the length of time necessary to accomplish major parts of Gods Plan. This book has 40 prayers for your business. Prayer that helps you push through when things get tough, and they always get tough in business. These prayers help you remember to keep God first in your business and to continue to acknowledge him on your business journey. The prayers in this book are a guide to help build your spiritual muscle in life and business. These prayers will help you weather the storms that come by building a closer and intimate relationship with God. Take one vitamin P (prayer) each day for essential spiritual nutrients.