Disney Frankenstein, Starring Donald Duck (Graphic Novel), Paperback/Bruno Enna
Description This electrifying adaptation of the classic novel by Mary Shelly, starring Donald Duck, is a journey of creation that explores themes of nature and fate Donald Duck is Doctor Victor von Duckenstein--a doctor with a talent for the art of creation. Sent off to the desolate outskirts of the town of Ingolstadt by Uncle Scrooge von Duck, Victor searches for the secret to creation. In the midst of his experiments, he cannot ignore the longing in his heart for the lady Daisy Beth, who is betrothed to cousin, Gladstone. Drawing inspiration from old books of science and the temptation of challenging nature, Victor finds the means to make his vision into a reality. Spawning from an mix of scrap materials--the unthinkable is conceived--a breathing, living creature horrible to look at and with intentions unknown. Stricken with fear, the creature, Growl, accidentally falls out a window, escaping the grasp of his creator. Victor, fearful of what he has just unleashed into the world, questions what he has created and seeks to find Growl before it's too late. But every story has another perspective to tell--enter the mind of the creature, Growl himself, and follow his path after the crucial fall. What has Victor von Duckenstein created and what is in store for a creature the first of its kind with nowhere to go?