Message of the Natsarim: A Hebrew Roots Translation of the Message Given to the First Followers of Yahusha, Paperback/Lew White
Message Of The Natsarim is a new English translation of the letters written by the first followers of Yahusha. It gives the reader a sense of being among the eye witnesses who lived their lives learning from the only perfect person that ever lived on Earth. They taught and obeyed the Ten Commandments, but this idea has been strongly resisted since the time of Constantine. New traditions were adopted from paganism, and those patterns are expressed openly instead of the original Words to live by, the Ten Commandments. Love has grown cold without them. The clarity of the Message is alarmingly eye-opening, and once you have received it you will be completely awake. This is the "red pill" or the "real thing" people spend a lifetime pursuing. The Message has been called by several familiar religious terms such as Gospel, Evangel, Euangelion, and these are all based on the Hebrew word BESORAH. The most simple English word that fits the meaning is the word message. When get to hear the Message in English straight from the Hebrew source the writers were inspired in, it will change you. The Message is not about religion, it is an announcement of a coming day called the Day of Yahuah. This Message is more urgent than anyone suspects, and it will be announced in spite of the institutions that unwittingly serve the restrainer. When your mind hears the Message, you will be changed, and have to share it with everyone around you. The Truth changes everything. Up to now, readers have been hearing mostly Greek terms. A messenger (Greek angel) bears a message (Greek euangelion), and now the reader can break through the barrier of understanding by restoring the Hebrew roots of the belief. About the Author: About the author: Lew White is the Author of many books, and a researcher of primary Hebrew language and culture. Hundreds of hours of his seminars may be viewed on youtube, and over 50 articles of study are downloadable at Torah Institute's webpage. Among his books are Fossilized Cust