Wicca Living a Magical Life: A Guide to Initiation and Navigating Your Journey in the Craft, Paperback/Lisa Chamberlain
Description Everything You Need to Know to Move Forward on Your Path, from Best-Selling Author Lisa Chamberlain For many aspiring Witches, the path from novice to adept practitioner can be unclear. You can read all the books you like-and you definitely should -but putting your new knowledge into action on a regular basis isn't always so easy. Maybe you're navigating a need for secrecy due to friends, family members, or others who wouldn't understand your new spiritual undertaking. Or perhaps-like so many of us-you find it challenging to work all of the Sabbats and Esbats into your schedule, let alone making time for spellwork. Then there's the question of initiation-when, how, and why should you formalize your dedication to the Craft with a special ritual?In Wicca, the tradition of studying for a year and a day before seeking initiation provides a useful framework, especially when it comes to covens. But what's a solitary Witch to do without a rigorous plan for formal study? After all, Wicca has no official sacred texts or protocols to follow. What, exactly, do you need to know? What should you expect yourself to understand after a year and a day has passed? How can you be initiated if you practice on your own?In truth, many Wiccans and other Witches feel that an inordinate amount of attention is placed on initiation-or self-dedication, as it is usually termed for solitary and eclectic practitioners. While it can be a truly transformative experience, it is ultimately one point on a life-long path of learning and growing in the Craft. What most people are seeking when they pursue initiation is a way of making their excitement and passion about the Craft a "permanent" thing. But staying immersed in the magic is a daily undertaking that can't be guaranteed just by undergoing a ceremony. The Craft is a way of life, and this means integrating it with your day-to-day world, making lifestyle adjustments as necessary and learning to expand your intuition and psychic gifts. Wi