Yo Puedo! Speak English Now: ESL Libro de trabajo para aprender Ingles bilingue, Paperback/Flor D. Usher
www. facebook. com/Yo Puedo Speak English Now This book is written in such a way so that Spanish speaking students are able to learn how to read, write, and speak English within 30 days. Este nuevo y emocionante libro de trabajo dar las herramientas necesarias para leer y hablar Ingles en 30 d as. This is a workbook that English speaking teachers can use with Spanish speaking students. It does not require that the teacher be able to speak Spanish Este libro est dise ado especialmente para que los alumnos aprendan de manera divertida. Contiene m ltiples actividades, rompecabezas y juegos que ayudar n al alumno a aprender y retener informaci n de una manera consistente Los alumnos podr n trabajar con este libro de manera individual, con un amigo o en el sal n de clases. GOOD NEWS THE TEACHER'S MANUAL IS NOW AVAILABLE www. omiinternational. org/teach-esl-fast About the Author: Lic. Flor D. Usher, M. A. has been teaching ESL to students in various countries for over 12 years. She received her United States validated undergraduate degree and licensure from the acclaimed, University of Quintana Roo in Mexico Rafielle E. Usher, M. A. has been educating children and youth since 1992. He holds a degree in Psychology, and loves finding new ways to help kids learn.