Always Speak Life: For the Eyes of the Lord Are on the Righteous, and His Ears Are Open to Their Prayers., Paperback/Sheila Holm
Description2016 - 2nd printing - Prayer. Pray with power and authority. Our words have power. Always, in all situations, while facing all circumstances, speak life We have a choice each time we open our mouth: speak curses or blessings, speak death of life. Choose to speak life Often I am asked to 'not build up hope' but, hope & a future is what we are promised. As humans, we may not realize we ask the LORD to do what we want, because we want what we want while we may not know what the LORD has 'in store' for us: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" 1 Corinthians 2: 9. To align with the LORD's plans for our life, begin by speaking life into each situation and request for the truth is life in Christ is what we have on earth and in heaven. About the author: God has taken Sheila around the globe, church to church, business to business, nation to nation. Many confirm she walks in the five-fold ministry. She does not use a title because God does the work while He sends her as an apostle and prophet and He orchestrates all arrangements for her to preach, teach, and evangelize. People attending the conferences often say her segments are like watching someone walk out of the bible, share for a while and then, go right back in the bible, aka continue upon her journey in HIStory.