A Walk with John: A Devotional Journey Through His Book/Ruth N. Hample
Description A Walk with John is a fascinating journey telling John's story of the gospel. The Apostle John, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, brings to us the very exciting events in the life of Jesus. We witness, along with John, the miracles, the reactions of the people and the words of Jesus. Truth unfolds in a cultural and historical setting, as the culture introduces the Feasts of Israel. The people and Jesus are part of the celebration. In the historical setting of Israel, and the upward travel to Jerusalem of the people, we follow along. Exciting and informative stories and articles by five devoted writers bring John's story clearly into focus. Expressions of the art and devotional poetry connect closely with the message. "Little Ruthie," a stick figure, keeps the book light and especially enjoyable. She gets involved in the story with her questions and has fun in the old city of Jerusalem. There is help and hope for the reader, and a different way to look at life. One word describes this book--Encouragement About the Author Creative writing describes author Ruth N. Hample. Her first poem to her mother and father at age twelve and a song composed in her teens were the beginning of her creative writing. Children's poetry and stories developed as part of her exciting life. Ruth's background of teaching the scriptures brings to others help, direction and joy through the Bible and her life's experiences. As editor and contributor of a booklet entitled The Encourager, she was able to reach out and touch many with God's love. Her poetry and music includes topics of praise, love and trust, which are all included as well in her Bible Message and Music programs. Ruth's dream of many years came true in the premier of her Cantata, "Israel My Glory." God has blessed Ruth, her husband, George, their daughters Linda and Susan, and their families.