Madman: Strange Adventures of a Psychology Intern/John R. Suler
Based on real life experiences and written by an internationally recognized expert in emerging fields of psychology, this unique novel immerses the reader into the world of a psychology intern working on the psychiatric unit of a modern teaching hospital. With irreverent humor, a surreal imagination, and elements of eastern philosophy, this coming-of-age story captures the point of view of a young clinical psychologist, Thomas Holden. A keen observer with a comic eye, Holden's ongoing internal musings, along with his experiences with patients and staff, expose both the absurdity and idealism inherent in psychotherapeutic practice. Ultimately overwhelmed by exhaustion and bewildered by the paradoxical behaviors of his newest patient - a "John Doe" with no memory or identity - Holden wonders whether he too is losing his grip on reality. Description: Thomas Holden, a psychology intern working in a psychiatric hospital, is in trouble. The depressed patient he discharged yesterday was run over by a mail truck. Was it suicide? Is he responsible for her death? His new patient Richard Mobin is a violent paranoid schizophrenic who drowns baby birds and thinks men in raincoats are plotting to kill him. If that isn't enough, Holden is assigned yet another difficult patient - a "John Doe" who apparently has no memory or identity, a man whom police found wandering the highway, collecting and burying road kill. But is this John Doe truly crazy, or is there something he's hiding? Is he working some scheme against Holden? Reviews: "Madman is a genuine tour de force, maintaining an emotionally powerful grip on the reader while presenting an intellectually sound introduction to the world of clinical psychology. In the context of an action-packed suspenseful novel, Professor Suler presents the fundamental theoretical and historical foundations of clinical psychology side by side with the real-world practical problems that challenge the wisdom of the theories. This is a good read for al