Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy - Workbook Series: Workbook 3: How to Remember Jokes Naturally, Paperback/Greg Dean
Stop memorizing the words of your jokes Instead, learn how to remember your material as if you're telling the story. This companion workbook turns Dean's memory techniques from Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of the paperback, ebook, or audio book of Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy into a series of easy exercises to teach anyone, including you, how to remember your material using natural memory. About the Author: Greg Dean has been teaching and writing about the fundamentals of joke writing and performing stand-up comedy for thirty plus years. When he began, Dean quickly realized there were no documented fundamentals for teaching comedy. So, for the past three decades he's made it his life's mission to identify, name, and teach the basic techniques used by all great joke writers and comedians. These fundamentals were first published in his paperback, ebook, and audio book Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy. Now, these same joke writing and performing techniques are available as a series of exercises in his Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy - Workbook Series.