Arizona Test Prep Reading Skills Workbook Daily Azmerit Practice Grade 6: Preparation for the Azmerit Ela Tests, Paperback/A. Hawas
Description Matches the New Standards and Prepares Students for the 2018-2019 Az MERIT ELA Tests This book will develop the reading skills that students need, while preparing students for the reading sections of the Az MERIT English Language Arts tests. It offers a simple and convenient system for ongoing reading comprehension practice, while being focused on developing strong reading skills. Skill Development Made Simple - Provides 40 passages with questions divided into convenient sets - Includes sets for literary texts, informational texts, and paired passages - Short passages and question sets allow for easy 20-minute practice sessions - Develops and builds on all the reading skills needed - Easily integrates with student learning throughout the year Preparation for the Az MERIT ELA Tests - Covers the reading skills that are tested on the Az MERIT assessments - Covers the new English Language Arts standards first assessed in 2019 - Strong skill development prepares students for more rigorous assessments - Students gain experience understanding, analyzing, and responding to passages - Provides practice completing selected-response, constructed-response, and technology-enhanced questions - Also includes questions and exercises covering text-based writing Key Benefits of this Book - Short passages and question sets build confidence - Ongoing practice develops strong reading comprehension skills - Reduces test anxiety by allowing low-stress practice - Allows for convenient revision and practice as the student learns - Provides experience with a range of passage types - Develops the skills students need to perform well on assessments