Absolute Openbsd: Unix for the Practical Paranoid, Paperback (2nd Ed.)/Michael W. Lucas
Contributor(s):Author: Michael W. Lucas The definitive guide to Open BSDForeword by Henning Brauer, Open BSD PF Developer Open BSD, the elegant, highly secure Unix-like operating system, is widely used as the basis for critical DNS servers, routers, firewalls, and more. This long-awaited second edition of Absolute Open BSD maintains author Michael Lucas's trademark straightforward and practical approach that readers have enjoyed for years. You'll learn the intricacies of the platform, the technical details behind certain design decisions, and best practices, with bits of humor sprinkled throughout. This edition has been completely updated for Open BSD 5. 3, including new coverage of Open BSD's boot system, security features like W DEGREESX and Pro Police, and advanced networking techniques. You'll learn how to: Manage network traffic with VLANs, trunks, IPv6, and the PF packet filter Make software management quick and effective using the ports and packages system Give users only the access they need with groups, sudo, and chroots Configure Open BSD's secure implementations of SNMP, DHCP, NTP, hardware sensors, and more Customize the installation and upgrade processes for your network and hardware, or build a custom Open BSD release Whether you're a new user looking for a complete introduction to Open BSD or an experienced sysadmin looking for a refresher, Absolute Open BSD, 2nd Edition will give you everything you need to master the intricacies of the world's most secure operating system."The definitive book on Open BSD gets a long-overdue refresh."-Theo de Raadt, Open BSD Founder