Col n Y Otros Can bales: La Enfermedad W tiko: Explotaci n, Imperialismo Y Terrorismo, Paperback/Jack D. Forbes
American Indian educator and political philosopher Jack Forbes's Columbus and Other Cannibals was one of the founding texts of the anti-civilization movement when it was first published in 1978. His history of terrorism, genocide, and ecocide told from a Native American point of view has continued to inspire America's most influential activists for decades. Now available for the first time in a Spanish translation, this radical critique of the modern 'civilized" lifestyle is more vital than ever before. El libro del pensador nativo americano Jack Forbes, Colon y otros can bales, era uno de los textos fundamentales del movimiento anticivilizaci n cuando fue publicado por primera vez en 1978. Su historia del terrorismo, el genocidio y el ecocidio contaba de un punto de vista nativo americano ha continuado a inspirar los activistas m s influyentes por d cadas. Ahora disponible por primera vez en una traducci n espa ol, esta cr tica radical del estilo de vida moderno y "civilizado" es m s vital que antes. "Brutality knows no boundaries. Greed knows no limits. Perversion knows no borders . . . These characteristics all push towards an extreme, always moving forward once the initial infection sets in . . . This is the disease of the consuming of other creatures' lives and possessions. I call it cannibalism."--Jack Forbes, from the Introduction About the Author: JACK D. FORBES (1934-2011) was professor emeritus and chair of Native American Studies at the University of California at Davis. Of Powhatan-Ren pe, Delaware-Len pe, and non-Indian background, he founded the Native American Movement in 1961. Forbes started Native American Studies programs across the country and founded an indigenous university. He lectured around the world and was the author of twelve books, including Apache, Navaho and Spaniard, in print for thirty-two years. Biograf a del autor: JACK D. FORBES (1934-2011) era profesor em rito y presidente de los estudios nativos americanos en la Universidad de Cali