Our Family's Evolution - From Nationalism to Al-Islam, Paperback/Lon Muqaddin
This powerful new book delivers an authentic historical account of how America's domestic black population came upon the religion of Al-Islam, and its spread to African-American communities across the country. Discover this extraordinary history through a compelling memoir written by well-respected Muslim-American pioneer Abdul Karim Hasan, whose family has been part of this experience over 90 years. A. K. Hasan takes the reader on a journey of unbelievable clarity and cause, breaking down in clear view the unlikely chain of events that introduced Al-Islam to the African-American community. From the end of Slavery through the modern era, he delivers a vivid family account of early Black Nationalism, and how it created a path to universal Islam. The book details African-American life in the years following the civil war, and the extreme challenges that followed. Hasan reveals his family's adverse history in the south, and subsequent migration north where they encountered the birth of Black Nationalism. Through stunning family and personal accounts he then reveals a chain-of-events showing beyond doubt how the foundation was paved for the emergence of Muslims in America. Beginning with Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali early in the 20th century, Hasan discusses the nationalistic movements that helped shape this unique social development. Utilizing his family's remarkable history, along with his noted personal experiences with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam, Hasan provides profound insight into this unparalleled occurrence. Hasan joined the Nation of Islam in 1956 and quickly rose through the ranks. Working with the leadership, he helped grow the Nation of Islam into America's most massive Black movement. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad would send him to Los Angeles in 1971, making Hasan the official west-coast representative leader. Once there, he would help lead that Muslim community to unprecedented heights. In 1975, Abdul Karim Hasan and