Elder's Model of Created Kinds: Building a Testable Scientific Model for Baraminology Research/Todd Elder
Description For too long the secular science community has been able to accuse the creation science community of not being able to define a Created Kind or to produce testable observations. This book begins the process of answering those objections with a number of concepts for Created Kinds, Baraminology, and the Creation Orchard by examining the expected condition of morphology, phenotypes, and genotypes over time. The major elements of this model include: ) A distinct and unique form that does not change over time along with a limited amount of variation in surface appearance. B) Species that are recognizable because of reproductively connected characteristics. These species are able to mate with others of the same species and potentially hybridize with others of the same kind. C) A broad genetic variability existed in the original kinds and this variability is reduced as time passes because of speciation and environmenatl acclimation D) An expected appearance of kinds approximately 6000 years ago with an aquatic extinction event 4500 years ago.