The Mighty Little Book, Paperback/Mykell Wilson
Description Have you ever wandered down a street, not really knowing where you're going, only to discover the most amazing bar, bookstore, restaurant or boutique? The creation of this book has been like that. Most things seen online move people to wish they were something they are not -- fitter, thinner, married, more famous -- or wish they had something they don't -- more wealth, a better car, different colored eyes or a dog they don't have time for. These things are great, of course, but it's our ability to discern between healthy motivation and "unhealthy" desires (that point to areas that are broken or lack a healthy drive to improve or succeed) that shape our inner growth. I love people and I believe we all have might in us that simply needs a moment of activation. That moment is the flame that ignites a mighty fire in our lives. For me, understanding the void of healthy motivation motivated me to inspire others. I started writing daily posts about life, self-development, overcoming adversity and positivity on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The impact they were having on people all over the world led me to gather some of my favorite and most circulated posts. I now present to you in book form my best compilation of inspirational-momentum; transforming fuel for your fire.