The Empath and Shamanic Energy Work, Paperback/Elaine La Joie
Description The Empath, or highly sensitive, artistic, intuitive person, wants bonded, happy family relationships, a soul mate partnership, and a career involving her creativity. Yet many times the Empath has suffered from trauma in her past which prevents her from having the energy to reach for her dreams. This book describes Shamanic Energy Healing Work, which can be highly and quickly effective in helping Empaths heal their wounds, discharge old emotional pain, and over come unhappy patterns. Soul Retrieval, Extraction Work, Underworld Work, and other Shamanic tools and interventions are described along with examples of Empaths returning to health from Elaine's practice. The author, Elaine La Joie, has spent ten years as a shaman and certified life coach specifically helping Empaths with their personal transformation so they can create happier, more fulfilled lives and relationships. The Empath and Shamanic Energy Work is the second in the series, Empath as Archetype, in which Elaine shows her clients how overarching patterns common to Empaths as described by the Enneagram Type Four can change using shamanic perspectives and energy healing techniques including Soul Retrieval and Shadow Work. Other volumes in this series: The Empath and the Drama Triangle, Motivations of the Empath, The Empath and Shadow Work, and The Empath and the Fan-Hero Family System. Each volume builds on the previous volumes. Visit Elaine's website at www. elainelajoie. com for more resources for Empaths. About the Author Elaine La Joie is a shaman and certified life coach. She has been in private practice since 2002 helping Empaths heal old traumas and patterns so that they can create the lives and relationships that they really want. Before Elaine opened her practice she worked at the University of Texas Austin in the psychology department and at the Oregon Medical Laser Center as a researcher. Elaine holds degrees in physics and applied physics. She realized a few years into this career path