Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: A Practical Guide: Terminology, Communities and Dignity. 2019 Edition, Paperback/Tony Malone
Description The essential reference guide for all practioners, trainers, thinkers, manager and those whom simply want to get things right. With a useful terminology guide, an introduction to the 20 most prominient world faiths, a community specific guide for lanugage use, accessiblity guides for print and web, discussion of the concepts of privillage and unconcious bias this packed guide is fully intended to be the key resource material for future works for Equality & Diversity. The author, Tony Malone is a visual artist, a Buddhist Master and a Global Human Rights Advisor. A recognised voice in the space of inclusion and rights, this guidebook pulls togther many of his workshops and development projects in communitities, inclusion and human rights over the last twenty years. Full contents of this title: Contents6 Introduction10 Using this guide12 Glossary of terms and abbreviations51 Faith/No Faith introduction guide52 People of No Faith54 Bah ' 59 Buddhism65 Candombl 69 Christianity74 Hinduism82 Islam87 Jainism93 Jehovah's Witness99 Judaism103 Mormonism107 Paganism111 Rastafari118 Santeria122 Shinto127 Sikhism134 Spiritualism138 Daoism142 Unitarianism145 Zoroastrianism150 Community Characteristics & Communications152 Age155 Ethnicity, cultural and faith diversity163 Disability166 Models of Disability174 Mental Health176 Travellers179 Refugees182 Gender & Sex186 Sexual Orientation 190 Homeless191 Unconscious Bias195 Privilege208 Accessibility for type, print and information design212 Accessibility for web and onscreen media. 216 Key International Human Rights Agreements220 UK Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Legislation221 Updates to this guide & emerging terms222 About the author