Medicine Generations: Natural Native American Medicines Traditional to the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans Tribe, Paperback/Mrs Misty D. Cook (Davids)
In MEDICINE GENERATIONS, Natural Native American Medicines Traditional to the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans Indian Tribe, author Misty Cook (Davids) has documented through oral tradition 58 Native American herbal Medicines that have been told through stories in her family within the tribe. Beginning with the history of these Medicines through her family tree of Wolf Clan Medicine people, this book is a guide for learning about the Medicines and how to use them. Gathering and identifying these plants and trees, preparing them through teas, tinctures, salves, and poultices is described. An importance of the spirituality is touched upon as well as how to use and prepare these Medicines. Color photos of these plants and trees in full bloom captured at the exact gathering stage are shared so the reader can easily identify these Medicines growing naturally as well as a detailed description of them and complete directions for the use of these Medicines for healing and health maintenance. About the Author: Misty Cook (Davids), M. S. studied these Medicines for over seven years to complete this book enjoying every minute of it. This includes searching for them, identification, gathering, drying, preservation for use throughout the year, preparation and having them available for those who need them. She is also a cultural consultant with a masters in management providing diversity trainings on many topics including Native American students in education, Native American history, Native American games, and of course, Medicines.