Toeic Listening and Reading Test Prep Plus 2019-2020: 4 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Audio, Paperback/Kaplan Test Prep
Description Kaplan's TOEIC Listening and Reading Prep Plus 2019-2020 provides in-depth review, online listening tracks, and test-like practice to build your English-language skills for the TOEIC Listening and Reading exam. This fully revised guide includes test-taking strategies, expert tips, and up-to-date test information so you can face the TOEIC with confidence. The Best Review More than 900 practice questions and items covering all sections of the Listening and Reading exam Four full-length practice tests with detailed answers and explanations More than 30 hours of test-like listening and speaking practice included on CD and online In-depth review of the content and abilities tested on each section of the exam Kaplan's proven test-taking strategies teach you how to answer questions more quickly and make the most of your time New and exclusive interactive online centre offers practice test feedback and customised score reports to help you personalise your study plan Expert Guidance Kaplan's experts ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test We invented test prep--Kaplan (www. kaptest. com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams Each year, millions of people in 150 countries worldwide take the TOEIC exam in order to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. TOEIC Listening and Reading is used to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. This exam is leveraged by job-seekers and employers to showcase and assess English language communication skills. About the Author Kaplan Test Prep is a premier provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools and businesses worldwide. Established in 1938, Kaplan is the world leader in the test prep industry. With a comprehensive menu of online offerings, a complete array of print books and digital products, and a global network of certified providers, Kaplan offers pr