Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew: Sacred Name Version, Paperback/Daniel W. Merrick
Daniel Merrick Ph D has authored several translations including the Yahuah Bible and The Wisdom of Solomon in restored sacred name versions. This version of the rarely known Hebrew version of the Gospel of Matthew using the Spanish and Hebrew texts along with in depth study of the contextual structure of the book dating to 1380 CE having been copied from the only surviving copy of any Hebrew language Gospel. The Hebrew perspective of the roots of the Faith first begun in First Century Jerusalem lends the reader a new point of view on what truly the man Yahshua Messiah (Jesus) was teaching and how events actually happened. Shem Tov wrote his translation during the Inquisitions to debate for liberty to stay in Spain and remain Jewish there without persecution. Cover photo of Arch of Titus circa 70AD when the remnants of the tribes of Israel were taken captive to Rome along with the temple treasures and the Hebrew books and translations which disappeared and were replaced by only Greek texts which consist of most of the translated texts of the modern Bible. Dr Dan shows how Roman influences effected even Judaism in Europe which exposes what practices are truly from the first century Faith of Yahshua and his followers. Dan also appears on weekly broadcasts of FAITH RADIO heard on AM and FM stations world wide or at www. Yahs Space. org his online fellowship for Messianic Jews and Christians. (c) 2015 Eternal Light & Power Company Publishing Yah Bible. Com