5 Chairs 5 Choices: Own your behaviours, master your communication, determine your success./Louise Evans
Description This book is a call to action. We spend about eighty percent of our day at work, the rest is at home. If we have a bad day at work we are likely to take that negativity home with us and vice versa. It is of paramount importance that we create healthy environments in the spaces that most affect our lives by giving of our best and receiving the like in return. The 5 Chairs is a powerful and systematic method which helps us master our own behaviours and manage the behaviours of others. To be a good leader is to contribute to the success and happiness of everyone, at work and at home, on a conscious level. The 5 Chairs offer 5 Choices. Which will you choose? "One of the most practical books on emotional intelligence that I have ever read." Richard Barrett, Chairman and Founder of the Barrett Values Centre. "Louise's work is for people with the intelligence and humility to believe that in life one can always improve, one can try to understand before judging and one can listen to other people's convictions no matter how diverse. In an increasingly multicultural, globalised world where managing diversity is key to success, Louise's guidelines should be a moral obligation." Franco Moscetti CEO, Axel Glocal Business, previously CEO of Amplifon Ltd "The 5 Chair experience is powerful. After reading the book you feel more equipped, excited even, to manage your daily behaviours and conversations in a completely new way, both at work and at home. It's a real game changer." David Trickey CEO at TCO International and Partner at Viral Change TM "Louise's groundbreaking book is for anyone who is interested in bringing more empathy, emotional intelligence and consciousness into their career (and into their daily life). The examples in this insightful book are practical and easy to integrate, and it's a must-read for anyone who wants to be an inspiring and more effective Leader." Ellen Looyen, Bestselling Author, "Branded for Life "